You could not decide about your preference or you would like to compare different figures with funny way. If it is hard to choose dress, food, event or travel.
-GoyGoy is an applicaion which solve your dilemma with funny way
-The Million can see your dilemma and they would vote your dilemma thus you could choose and solve your dilemma easily.
-You could make dilemma with photograph or text.
-Your instability must be minimum two answers and maximum four answers.
-Users can see which dilemma has how many times voted.
-You can vote dilemmas and lead to people accoding to your taste by the way you could have great time.
-Suppose, you are in the shopping ceneter , you can not decide about colours , style . Thanks to GoyGoy , you can smile when your shopping finish.
-You will go cinema , can not choose which movie better , use GoyGoy and ask your question .Other people vote and comment your dilemma thus you could know which movie better and decide one.
-A soccer game... You can make photograph or text dilemma about teams and you could know which team win the game before match.